August 11, 2020

A Sense of Community

Have you ever been through a crisis?

I’m talking about something that happens to you that changes your life for an extended period of time. What comes to mind is an illness, or the loss of a loved one, or losing everything financially you have worked for. Something that challenges your ethics, your character and the way you see yourself and the world.If you haven’t, I hope you never do.If you have, I hope you made it through and you’re better for it.The thing about undergoing a crisis is that it peels back the layers and exposes what a person is really made of. Your fear, anxiety, blame, resentfulness, grit, perseverance, hunger, resiliency… the list goes on. There is ample opportunity during a crisis that will expose who is in your life as a true advocate of you as a person. It exposes your community while giving you a chance to create a whole new one.There are a lot of people out of work right now. Many of them through no fault of their own. If you are one of those people, you are not defeated. Wake up and treat finding a job as if it is your job. Prospect new jobs that align with what you want, contact members of the company and showcase yourself, and sell yourself everyday. Build a massive network via micro-communities [and macro] and help others along the way, creating a strong “rule of reciprocity” that will make its way back around to you.If you are fortunate enough to still have a job, don’t kid yourself thinking that this could not happen to you. I have watched multiple long term thriving companies collapse over the past few months. Each one of them had top performers, just like you. I’ve talked to many of them and done my best to help, but now I am calling on you.We are building a community and to make that community strong, we need to support one another. I can tell you from personal experience that helping other people is a selfless act that pays for itself. So here are a couple small things you can do that will go a long way:

  • Leave a thoughtful reference on someone’s Linkedin profile.
  • Introduce them to someone in your network who can help them find their next role and advocate for them.
  • Tag people in job postings to get them exposure.
  • Invite them to micro communities you are a part of.
  • Listen to them. Get to know them.
  • I’m not saying you should do this for everyone, but we all know someone who we could make an impact on... or two... or ten. Thirty minutes out of your day that could literally change someone’s life.

Make an impact. We’re all in this together. Actions > Words.P.S. If someone made an impact in your life, I want to hear about it. I want to know them.Examples of Sales Communities I am active in and recommend:Surf and Sales, Patreon, Thursday Night Sales, RevGenius---Evan McElwain from Bowery Capital and I sat down awhile back for a chat. "Iteration in Early-Stage Selling" is FULL of great nuggets for early-stage founders and rev leaders who are trying to improve their early GTM motion. Give it a listen!

We partner with growth-minded early-stage companies looking to accelerate revenue.

Qualia, Salesloft, Lavender, Gong, Fundbox, Google, RigUp, and more.