April 13, 2020

Make Productive Outs

Have you ever had a prospect throw an objection at you and you had no idea how to respond? Glitch in then Matrix? Mind went blank? At a loss for words? Caught completely off-guard?Imagine you're the head coach of your kid’s little league baseball game.Or worse.Imagine being the little kid and hearing the umpire scream at the top of his lungs: “That’s 3 strikes! YOU’RE OUT!Not a good feeling. We’ve all been there. Even if you never played baseball.If you’re all too familiar with the voices in your mind saying: “Swing! And a miss!” you’re going to want to keep reading...Let’s take a look at some stats here:

  • 1/100 cold calls – considered to be excellent close rate for salespeople in some industries.
  • 30/100 in baseball – considered to be the batting average for a great baseball player

If you bat .300 in baseball, you are well on your way into the MLB Hall of Fame because that is a remarkable batting average to sustain over an entire career.And yet in sales, we would be happy if 2 out of 10 prospects picked up our phone calls, and 1 of 100 actually bought from us. Talk about a profession where we’re constantly fighting off negative reinforcement and rejection. So how do we go from amateur to professional? Average to above average? From good to great?Being able to jump from one call to the next without a loss of enthusiasm is what truly separates the amateurs from the professionals.Focus on what you can control.You can’t control who’s going to pick up the phone. You can’t control what mood the other person is in when they pick up. So why bother?You control you. Nothing less. Nothing more.You can control how you’re feeling. You can control the amount of enthusiasm in your voice. You can control the powerful words you choose to say to spark interest during a conversation.So what do you do when you are in a slump?When you feel out of tune, double down on your sales process. When you feel stuck, take a deep breath. And triple down on your sales process. When you feel lost, sit up straight, fix your posture. And quadruple down on your sales process.Trust that your commitment to the calls, to your process and to your high level of enthusiasm; will guide you in the right direction as long as you stick to it. Got a repeatable, scalable sales process that you know works over time?Great! Don’t change a thing! I repeat, do NOT change a single thing!When you step up to the plate, get in the same batting stance you always do. Same goes for practicing and role playing. Talk out-loud to yourself each day. Do it everyday until it becomes natural. Get to a place where you don’t need a bat in your hand for your swing to feel natural. Where you practice talking to yourself out-loud and it feels natural. It might feel a bit weird at first. But, you will get accustomed to it. And it will be the new norm.So what’s the game plan? What the best thing you can to get out of the hole you're in?Don't strike out. That's it. That's the trick.Put the ball in play. Then a hard grounder. A line-out. A fly ball. A deep fly ball. You're making good contact and that is what matters. Turn your at-bats into something positive.Make them “Productive Outs.”On a sales call, we can’t always predict which objection the potential customer will throw at us.

  • Your price is too high!
  • Don’t have the budget!
  • Timing is not right!
  • It’s not a priority!
  • Have to talk to my boss!
  • Don’t think you could solve our problem.
  • Just not feeling it.

Same goes for when you’re at bat. We can’t always predict which pitch the pitcher is going to throw at us.

  • Fastball!
  • Curveball!
  • Changeup!
  • Slider!
  • Knuckleball!

So what can we do?We can lay out all the possible scenarios that could come up on a cold call. And be prepared for each one. We can anticipate what objections might appear during a discovery or demo, and have answers ready in mind. We should have massive belief that our commitment to our process will payout so long as you stick to it through the highs and lows.I can’t guarantee you that you will close every deal. No person bats 1.000 in baseball. No salesperson closes at 100%. So what can I arm you with?I can give you the highest probability of success. I can give you every sales scenario and objection out there. I can give you the mindset and behaviors you need to tap into to become unstoppable. And then it’s up to you to go out and approach that batter’s box each day with the same confidence as the day before. Hit those different pitches coming at you with confidence! Go hit those phones and run those demos with the same confidence, same energy and same playbook on every call!It’s that 100% trust and absolute commitment to the process that will help you level up. It’s that 100% desire to take responsibility and do your job that will see you succeed. It’s that “I Bet On Me” mentality that will get you through this. Keep riding the highs and lows. Make “Productive Outs.”Now, I want to turn it over to you.Tell me your story below. Share with us what you’ve learned and how you’ve bounced back from adversity and challenges in your life’s journey.

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